Friday, May 25, 2012

Phillip Phillips Juara American Idol 2012

Phillip Phillips Juara American Idol 2012 LOS ANGELES, 24 MEI 2012: Setelah berteka teki siapakah juara bagi rancangan realiti, American Idol, program yang cukup terkenal di seluruh dunia itu telah menutup siri ke sebelasnya dengan menyaksikan kejayaan menjadi milik Phillip Phillips. Penyanyi bergenre rock itu telah berjaya memikat hati para pengundi dan undian yang dicatatkan paling tertinggi dalam sejarah American Idol iaitu sebanyak...

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Sertailah Konsert Kenangan Sudirman

Sudah 20 tahun beliau meninggalkan kami, namun penghargaan beliau di sanjungi di Konsert Kenangan Sudirman pada 3 Jun 2012 #AkuSudirman Sempena kempen AKUASUDIRMAN, Astro dengan bangganya ingin meraikan nostalgia ini dengan lagu dan program-program menarik termasuk filem Hoore Hoore yang menampilkan seleksi karya muzik beliau yang tiada tandingan. Sertai kami di dalam Konsert Kenangan Sudirman bertempat di Stadium Bola Sepak Kuala Lumpur Cheras...

American Idol Finale 2012 - Jessica Sanchez and Phillip Phillips

The 2012 American Idol finale came down to a competition between two contestants who are very different from each other in performance style. 16 year old Jessica Sanchez is a powerhouse vocalist with a frequent R&B and blues undercurrent. 21 year old Phillip Phillips is steeped in classic rock influences with a distinct independent lean. He is more of a vocal stylist. What do you think? who will win this ye...

Lady Gaga not sure if she'll perform in Indonesia

Lady Gaga is as confused as anyone about whether she'll be allowed to perform in Indonesia. Islamic hard-liners have threatened violence, saying her sexy clothes and provocative dance moves could corrupt youth. Because, you know, violence doesn't. Police initially denied a permit for Gaga's Born This Way Ball tour but are now hinting the concert could go ahead if the pop diva tones down the show. In other words, they want her to perform underneath...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Promo: Bali Lombak Island One Day Tour only RM480

[36% OFF] *Bali* Set Your Foot at Paradise on Earth: Lombak Island One Day Tour+ Transfer+ Flights+ Meals+ Entrance+ Tour Guide for RM480 (n/p: RM750) || - Daily-deals from JackCow.comBuy Deals Everyday|Klang Valley Shopping |Klang Valley Voucher |Klang ValleyDiscou...

Promo of the Day: 23 May 2012

Promo of the Day: [65% OFF] Freshly Ground Heaven: RM4.80 for 1 Premium Coffee (White Coffee / Mocha OR Cappuccino) @ Z-Classroom, Penang (n/p RM13.80) || - Daily-deals from JackCow.comBuy Deals Everyday|Klang Valley Shopping |Klang Valley Voucher |Klang ValleyDiscou...

Monday, May 21, 2012

Christina Perri Live in KL (7 June 2012)

Get ready for #ChristinaPerriKL, happening 7 June! Hurry and get your tickets now for a 20% earlybird discount! Sultry singer-songwriter Christina Perri is set for her very first concert in Kuala Lumpur at 8.30 pm, 7 June 2012 at KL Live, so be there to hear Christina belting out your favourite hits all night long! Tickets will be on sale from 16 April 2012, and are priced at: RM 258 (Party Zone); RM188 (Chill Out Zone); RM 98 (Regular). Early birds...

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Kelantan juara Piala FA 2012

KELANTAN muncul juara baru Piala FA dengan menumpaskan KL Sime Darby 1-0 di Stadium Nasional Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur sebentar tadi. Pasukan itu yang gagal dalam dua percubaan sebelum ini muncul juara untuk menjulang piala baru persaingan FA malam ini. Kejayaan ini turut memberi tuah kepada Kelantan apabila berjaya membawa pulang trofi baru yang berharga RM80,000 sekali gus melengkapkan koleksi trofi kejohanan domestik. Source: hme...

Hafiz Juara Mania Konsert Akhir 2012 l Astro

SABTU (19 Mei 2012) - Hadiah wang tunai RM500,000 malam ini adalah milik Juara Akademi Fantasia Musim ke-7, Hafiz. Kemenangan Hafiz yang berada di Empayar Hijau milik Produser Ahmad Dhani juga menghadiahkan peroduser tersebut wang tunai berjumlah RM300,000. Naib Juara Mania telah dimenangi oleh Stacy yang menerima RM200,000 dan tempat ketiga dimenangi oleh Jaclyn Victor dengan membawa pulang wang tunai RM100,000. Konsert Mania! Akhir telah...