Saturday, December 25, 2010

Girlfriend Shaheizy Sam ??

Shaheizy Sam bin Abd Samad (4 September 1982) ialah seorang pelakon yang menempa nama sebagai pelakon remaja ketika era 1990-an sebelum melonjak naik dalam filem Bohsia, Jangan Pilih Jalan Hitam pada tahun 2009 dan filem pecah panggung Adnan Sempit pada tahun berikutnya.Dan hasilnya : yeah memenangi: Anugerah Khas Juri di Anugerah Skrin 2010. Congrats !Sambil2 kita jenguk Sam ni dah berpunya belum? Jom tgk gambar2 bawah ni:Source:izyan....

Ziana Zain with New Single Pawana

Ziana Zain performed "Pawana" - new single for next album. Huh ! itu ajer yang boleh cakap. Memang syok tapi kena dengar 2-3 kali baru boleh feel... lets we view few scenes from ASK2010 (Anugerah Skrin 2010 - TV3).New Single - PawanaFull reportFull result for winn...

Anugerah Skrin 2010 Result

Anugerah Skrin 2010 Result:Anugerah Khas JuriAnugerah Yasmin Ahmad: Shahiezy SamDramaDrama Terbaik: Antara GarisanPelakon Lelaki Terbaik Drama: Fauzi Nawawi - Sebelum AkhiratPelakon Wanita Terbaik Drama: Nor Khiriah - Antara GarisanPelakon Pembantu Lelaki Terbaik Drama: Isma Yusoof - Antara GarisanPelakon Pembantu Wanita Terbaik Drama: Fadzillah Mansor - Sebelum AkhiratPengarah Terbaik Drama: Murali Abdullah - Sebelum AkhiratLakon TV Terbaik: Antara...

Friday, December 24, 2010

Reza bakal pengacara AF9?

Oleh Zaidi Mohamad / Bharian/ 2010/12/19Dalam perkembangan lain, nama Reza turut dikatakan antara calon yang bakal mengemudi Akademi Fantasia musim kesembilan. Bagaimanapun Reza, enggan memberi komen lanjut terhadap perkara yang belum pasti. Cuma yang boleh disahkan Reza ialah mengenai program Katakau yang bakal disambung pada tahun depan.“Mengenai AF9 itu saya ada mendengar ura-ura saja. Tapi saya sendiri belum pasti kesahihannya. Kalau betul dan...

Merry Christmas 2010

Christmas is forever, not for just one day, for loving, sharing, giving, are not to put away like bells and lights and tinsel, in some box upon a shelf. The good you do for others is good you do yourself. ~Norman Wesley Bro...

Hollywood: Top 50 Worst Fashion Disasters Of 2010

"Top 50 Worst Fashion Moments of 2010. That is, unless your name just so happens to be Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, Rihanna, Ke$ha, Blake Lively, or one of the many other unfortunate souls who were included in this countdown." Let we see how bad they are in fashion or just their trademark? For full list, visit style.thefablife websiteLily AllenNicki MinajJennifer NettlesKelisCourtney L...

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Ziana Zain: Creativity from Ziana Fans

This photo should be next Ziana Zain cover for 2011 album !!Ziana Zain" Everything seems to work fine until I browse the Internet, OMG !! what i can say ? i want share with you guys, how creative and fabulous job from one of Ziana folks : riezal mustafa.. let we see and share your opinio...

Promo: Apply Citibank Credit Card Now !

Reward your success with Citibank Credit Cards.Enjoy exclusive rewards when you shop at major supermarkets / hypermarkets and department stores.Credit cards, loans and other types of credit make managing your money easier, and can be especially useful during emergencies. Credit makes it easier to pay for large expenses such as appliance and furniture purchases, while a mortgage makes purchasing real estate more affordable. Credit cards are the form...

Gossip: Lady Gaga Lebih Rela Mati Dari Tidak Berkasut Tinggi

PENYANYI Lady Gaga selalu tampil bergaya pada setiap penampilan. Gaga turut mengakui lebih baik dia mati daripada dilihat dirinya tidak memakai kasut tinggi. "Lebih baik aku mati daripada peminat melihatku tidak memakai kasut tinggi," jelasnya, seperti dipetik Entertainmentfix. Bagaimanapun, Kasut tinggi, bukanlah satu-satunya hal yang menjadi perkara wajib dalam penampilannya. Bagi Lady Gaga topi dan wig adalah perhiasan diri yang membuatkannya...

News: Daphne Iking Baby Scandal

Usman | Dec 18, 2010 | Online USA NewsDaphne Iking Baby Scandal:Baby not mine, says Daphne Iking’s ex-husbandKUALA LUMPUR – The former husband of TV presenter Daphne Iking said he has been excluded as being the biological father of her daughter in a DNA test.Chong Yiing Yih, 31, was testifying in the magistrate’s court yesterday in a private prosecution he initiated against businessman Darren Choy Khin Ming for enticing Daphne Iking, knowing well...

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

News: Gambar Abby kena curi!

HUBUNGAN pelakon popular Arbaiyah Abdul Manan atau Abby Abadi, 33, dengan Zulkifli Ariffin, atau Zul, 24, bukan lagi rahsia.Malah, mereka kini lebih bersikap terbuka mengenainya dan sering muncul di khalayak bersama. Bagaimanapun, apa yang kurang menyenangkan mengenai hubungan pasangan ini ialag apabila kebelakangan ini beberapa keping gambar peribadi mereka mula tersebar dan dijadikan bahan oleh pihak tidak bertanggungjawab dengan tujuan mahu menimbulkan...

Anugerah Juara Lagu 25 (AJL 25)

Malam yang penuh debaran bagi penggiat industri muzik tanah air bakal menjelma kembali! 14 buah lagu terhebat hasil karya dan garapan komposer, penulis lirik dan alunan penyanyi-penyanyi hebat tanahair bakal dinilai bagi mencari juara antara yang terbaik, lagu terhebat dalam Anugerah Juara Lagu 25. Siapakah yang bakal dinobatkan sebagai Juara dalam Anugerah Juara Lagu 25? Segala-galanya bakal terjawab pada 9 Januari 2011 nanti!Finalist Anugerah Juara...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Awan Dania Musim 3

Sinopsis:At the beginning of the Third Season Awan Dania, Dania unemployed because his contract had expired with the Firefly and currently looking for airlines that want to take her to work. Incidentally, Dania almost hit by a Tan Sri and was proposed by Tan Sri to work with him. This is the beginning of new challenges in life Dania who had encountered to prove that she eligible to undertake these responsibilities despite their superficial experience...

Stacy 20th Birthday Photos

On 7th August 2010 ago, Stacy AF celebrate her birthday at Brisdale Hotel in KL. 9009 wish to Stacy AF : Wish all the best and do your best for AJL25"Stracie Angie Anam (born August 18, 1990), is a Malaysian singer, who rose to fame after winning the sixth season of Akademi Fantasia, receiving 43 percent of over 3.8 million votes. Her debut album, Aku Stacy, was released on March 9, 2009."Source:Mysp...

Nike Malaysia Unleashes The New National Football Team Jersey

Nike is proud to introduce the new national team kit as part of our steadfast allegiance to the Malaysian football team. This is our third year partnering with FAM, and we believe that this relationship has allowed Nike to contribute effectively alongside the federation to the development of football in Malaysia” – Menaha Nadaraja, Country Marketing Manager, Nike Malaysia.As you can see from all the pictures so far, our national team’s new jersey...

Monday, December 20, 2010

Mariah Carey Sings For President Obama On “Christmas In Washington” Special

If all the First Family wanted for Christmas were some carols sung by the pros, they were in luck this year. Annie Lennox, Maxwell, Glee’s Matthew Morrison, and Miranda Cosgrove joined the season’s superstar, Mariah Carey, in presenting the Obamas with the gift of song at the “Christmas In Washington” concert, which aired last night on TNT. And while she wasn’t exactly bursting with diva fireworks the way she does in her new “Auld Lang Syne” video,...

Gossip: Siti Nurhaliza dan tudungnya

Isu tudung di Malaysia ini merupakan satu topik yang sensitif kerana ianya bersangkut-paut dengan tuntutan agama. Keikhlasan Siti dalam mengenakan selendang sering dipertikaikan para peminat yang inginkan Siti mengenakan tudung secara sempurna seperti Waheeda, Ekin, Azizah (TV3) dan Sheila Rusly sebagai contohnya.Mari kita imbas kembali fesyen selendang yang digayakan penyanyi kesayangan Malaysia ini.and... the best tudung is....... Lady Gaga tak?...