Saturday, March 26, 2011

American Idol - Casey Abrams overwrought with emotion

American Idol - Casey Abrams overwrought with emotion "American Idol" contestant Casey Abrams -- who got voted off the show Thursday and won a save from the judges -- was so overwrought with emotion after the show, he began hyperventilating and then fell to the floor in the hallway. Casey had a rough day Thursday. He got a blood transfusion in the morning because of ongoing problems with internal bleeding. m...

Lady Gaga Protes Penyuntingan Liriknya Di Malaysia

news @mStarLady Gaga Protes Penyuntingan Liriknya Di Malaysia Penyanyi kontroversi Lady Gaga dilaporkan tidak berpuas hati setelah lirik lagunya iaitu Born This Way yang memartabatkan kehidupan homoseksual ditapis untuk penyiaran di Malaysia.Menurut laporan Stesen Penyiaran British (BBC), stesen-stesen radio di Malaysia terpaksa menyiarkan versi lagu tersebut yang sudah disunting bagi mengelakkan kemungkinan berdepan tindakan daripada...

70 Negara Tayang Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa

news @mStar 70 Negara Tayang Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa Filem Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa yang setakat ini telah mencecah kutipan RM5.5 juta bakal ditayangkan di lebih 70 negara pada Ogos depan. Filem yang diubah judul kepada The Malay Chronicles: Bloodlines itu bakal ditayangkan di Amerika Syarikat, Perancis, United Kingdom dan Jerman. Sementara negara lain termasuk Kanada, Australia, New Zealand, China, Turki, Switzerland, Austria,...

Friday, March 25, 2011

Result: Casey Who Gonna Live us - American Idol 2011

Result: Casey Who Gonna Live us - American Idol 2011 but...This time, Mighty Casey did not strike out.Casey Abrams, voted off "American Idol" Thursday by America, was reeled back on board by judges Steven Tyler, Jennifer Lopez and Randy Jackson, who showered him with every welcome short of the fatted calf.After host Ryan Seacrest told him he was voted off, Abrams was given the same chance as all other jettisoned contestants to sing a minute or so...

Vanessa Hudgens Sangkal Ada Hubungan

gossip @mStar Vanessa Hudgens Sangkal Ada Hubungan Dengan Josh Hutcherson LONDON: Bintang Vanessa Hudgens (gambar) menafikan dakwaan dia berpacaran dengan pelakon Josh Hutcherson setelah aktor itu berpisah dengan Zac Efron. Hudgens baru-baru ini terlibat dalam "Journey 2: The Mysterious Island’ sebagai pelakon pembantu telah dilihat menghadiri satu pesta dan menghabiskan masa bersama. Bagaimanapun dia berkeras hubungan itu hanya sebagai...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Anu Dalam Botol Di Pawagam Sekarang

Movie: Anu Dalam Botol Di Pawagam SekarangRuby (or his real name, Rubidin) and Ghaus are a loving couple and because of his love towards Ghaus, Rubidin is willing to change his identity to become a 'real woman'. It is not just a little sacrifice as his identity is changed along with the sex change operation. However, the calculation made by Ruby turns out wrong as Ghaus could not take the appearance of a woman and eventually leaves Rudy. The male...

Erra Fazira Tepis Gosip Suami Kahwin Lain

gossip @mStar Erra Fazira Tepis Gosip Suami Kahwin Lain PETALING JAYA: Pelakon Erra Fazira, 37, menganggap gosip terbaru yang mendakwa suaminya Engku Emran Engku Zainal Abidin, 36, bakal berkahwin lain sebagai sesuatu yang lucu dan tidak benar. Menjawab desas-desus terbaru mengenai Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif saluran berita Bernama TV itu, Erra mengakui terkejut dan baru pertama kali mendengar gosip tersebut. "Saya sendiri sebagai isterinya pun...

Vanessa Hudgens denies dating rumours

Vanessa Hudgens denies dating rumoursActress Vanessa Hudgens denies rumours of an affair with actor Josh Hutcherson, and says he is just a friend.Tongues started wagging when the 22-year-old was spotted with Hutcherson, her co-star in "Journey 2: The Mysterious Island", at a party where they were seen spending time together, reports Hudgens is adamant they are not a couple."I'm single," Hudgens told US TV host Ellen DeGeneres.And...

Japan nuclear crisis drags on

Japan nuclear crisis drags on but experts hopeful(Reuters) - Workers battled to staunch radiation leaks at a Japanese nuclear plant on Thursday, almost two weeks after it was disabled by an earthquake and tsunami, but some experts saw signs of the crisis being brought under control. Hundreds of workers have been desperately trying to cool down the six reactors and spent fuel ponds at the Fukushima Daiichi plant, 240 km (150 miles) north of Tokyo,...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Elizabeth Taylor, Legendary Actress, Dead At 79

Elizabeth Taylor, Legendary Actress, Dead At 79March 23, 2011 - Actress Elizabeth Taylor died of congestive heart failure today in Los Angeles, with her children at her side. She was 79 years old and had been in Cedars-Sinai Medical Center for several weeks before her death.The legendary actress was diagnosed with congestive heart failure in 2004. Congestive heart failure refers to the heart’s inability to do an adequate job of pumping blood to the...

Sandra Bullock and Renee Zellweger

Sandra Bullock and Renee Zellweger SANDRA Bullock has been providing Renee Zellweger with a shoulder to cry on following her recent split from boyfriend Bradley Cooper. After what Sandra went through, you have no right feeling sorry for yourself at all. I can’t think of a better medicine than spending an hour or two with Sandy. The way she handled herself with such grace and dignity after her split is an inspiration to us all.”Sandra Bullock - Sandra...

Shahz Jaszle hantar SMS minta putus ??

Gosip @bharian Shahz hantar SMS minta putus Maria Farida Selepas lebih enam bulan menyulam cinta secara berteka-teki tanpa sebarang pengakuan dibuat, akhirnya Shahz tidak mampu berselindung lagi apabila dia didesak supaya beliau berterus terang mengenai status hubungannya bersama Maria. Difahamkan, Shahz dan Maria mulai intim apabila kedua-duanya membintangi drama bersiri, Asmara yang pernah disiarkan di TV3 sedikit masa lalu. “Saya akui, memang...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Adlin Aman Ramli kritik Aznil?

Gossip : Adlin Aman Ramli kritik Aznil? Khas AF9: Adlin Aman Ramli kritik Pak Nil? Jom tengok! Video lain ada kat sini Lepas tengok sila berikan komen anda yeah...

Photo Daphnie Iking Bertudung

Photo Daphnie Iking Bertudung Daphnie Iking sudah kahwin buat kali-2 pada 8 Januari yang lalu di Sabah dengan seorang 'businessman' yang bernama Azmi Abdul Rahman selepas memeluk Islam. Saksikan photo terbaru dari Daphnie Iking. Cantikkan ? he...

Foto Perkahwinan Kris Dayanti dan Raul Lemos

Foto Perkahwinan Kris Dayanti dan Raul LemosAktress Kris Dayanti dan jutawan, Raul Lemos sah diijabkabulkan di Masjid Sahid Nurul Iman, Hotel Grand Sahid Jaya Jakarta, Indonesia dengan dihadiri kaum keluarga terdekat serta kenalan rapat pasangan itu. Kedua-duanya dinikahkan sendiri oleh bapa Kris dengan hanya sekali lafaz oleh Raul.Sejurus selepas sah bergelar suami isteri, lelaki itu tanpa segan silu merangkul isterinya dan mengucup bibir Kris di...

Monday, March 21, 2011

Ricky Martin acknowledged his partner Carlos Gonzalez

Gossip: Ricky Martin acknowledged his partner Carlos Gonzalez Performer Ricky Martin, who took home the Vito Russell Award for promoting equal rights, acknowledged his partner Carlos Gonzalez for the first time in public since he came out, calling Gonzalez his "partner in crime and my boyfriend." Martin announced he was gay on his website last March. If Fey ever switches teams, it will be with a splash. When Cohen asked her during the awards if...

Kanye West joined by Jay-Z and John Legend for SXSW show

Kanye West joined by Jay-Z and John Legend for SXSW show Kanye West was joined by guests including Jay-Z, John Legend and Bon Iver at his South By Southwest show in the early hours of Saturday (March 20). The rapper played the Vevo presents G.O.O.D Music sponsored by Chevrolet event in a previously-abandoned warehouse in the Texas city, reports Billboard. more Source: nme....

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Mentor 5 : Konsert Pertama Kumpulan B

Mentor 5 : Konsert Pertama Kumpulan BJangan lupa tonton Konsert Battle Kumpulan B malam ini, jam 9 di TV3!!!(20 Mac 2011)Result 1st week Mentor 5 Kumpulan B :Erra Fazira (Salma) : 80 ** 9009 choice ! watch videoEdry Halim (Iqa). : 55Rahim Maarof (Aiman) : 48Previous newsSource:Official facebook Mentor 5...

Power line connected to stricken Japan reactor

Power line connected to stricken Japan reactor Crews fighting to cool reactors at Japan's stricken nuclear plant managed to connect a power line as the government revealed that leaking radioactivity had reached the food chain. The Fukushima No. 1 plant was crippled eight days ago by a terrifying earthquake and tsunami which according to the latest police tally left nearly 20,000 people dead or missing in Japan's worst natural disaster since 1923.At...

Abang pelakon Janet Khoo ditemui mati dibunuh

news @utusan Abang pelakon Janet Khoo ditemui mati dibunuh KUALA LUMPUR 16 Mac – Abang pelakon dan model popular, Janet Khoo ditemui mati dibunuh dalam keadaan badannya dibalut tilam manakala kakinya pula diikat di kawasan semak berhampiran Lembah Pangsun, Hulu Langat, dekat sini. Menurut sumber, mayat Khoo Kim Leong, 47, seorang ahli perniagaan dari Kulim, Kedah, ditemui seorang lelaki yang terhidu bau busuk di kawasan tersebut pada pukul 11.40...