Saturday, February 26, 2011

Christina Applegate Hot and Sexy

Christina Applegate Hot and Sexy Holding newborn daughter Sadie Grace in the hospital on Jan. 27, Christina Applegate was overwhelmed by her feelings of acceptance and love. "I felt my heart literally open up for the first time and like wrap itself around her. It was profound," Applegate, 39, tells PEOPLE in this week's cover story. "And I'm more in love with her every minute of the day." Source: people....

Maher Zain Live In Concert 2011

news @mStar7000 Orang Banjiri Maher Zain Live In Concert 2011SHAH ALAM: Seramai 7000 orang membanjiri Stadium Malawati bagimenyaksikan persembahan penyanyi terkenal berasal dari Lubnan, Maher Zain, di sini, Jumaat.Konsert Maher Zain Live in Concert 2011 ini diadakan selama dua hariiaitu 25 dan 26 Februari khusus bagi peminat-peminatnya di Malaysia.Penyanyi yang popular dengan lagu Insha Allah ini dibawa oleh Yayasan Kemanusiaan Muslim Aid Malaysia...

Friday, February 25, 2011

Chris Brown Responds To New Rihanna Photos

Chris Brown Responds To New Rihanna Photos New images purportedly showing Rihanna in the hours after her assault at the hands of Chris Brown have been released. MediaTakeOut published the images online on Thursday.The pictures appear to have been taken in a hospital and are different to the police file photograph which was released following the incident in 2009. In the new pictures, the swelling and bruising to the Barbadian singer's face is...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

'American Idol' Top 24 season 10

'American Idol' Top 24 season 10There have been so many changes on Season 10 of American Idol, but one thing definitely remained the same: juicy spoilers about the identities of the Top 24 contestants have been steadily leaking over the past few weeks.Lets we see who our 'American Idol' Top 24 season 10 :Ashton JonesBrett LoewensternCasey AbramsClint GamboaHaley ReinhartJacob LuskJames DurbinJordan DorseyJovany BarretoJulie ZorrillaKaren RodriguezKendra...

Ning Baizura, Jaclyn Victor dan Shila Amzah Dalam 3 Suara

news @mStar Ning Baizura, Jaclyn Victor dan Shila Amzah Dalam 3 Suara KUALA LUMPUR: Tiga penyanyi terkenal Ning Baizura, Jaclyn Victor dan Shila Amzah mengambil masa hampir lapan hari untuk merakamkan lagu dimuatkan dalam album 3 Suara. Album yang telah berada di pasaran sejak 6 Januari lalu ini menampilkan 10 buah lagu seperti Di Mana Di Mana, Beribu Sesalan,Hanya Satu, Menari Dalam Hujan, It's A Beautiful Life dan Tomorrow'sCalling. Seperti...

Daphne Iking Married with Malay guy?

Daphne Iking Married with Malay guy?Daphne Iking sudah pun berkahwin dengan seorang lelaki Melayu. Semalam Daphne Iking hadir bersama suaminya ke event ABUSE. Identiti suaminya masih tidak dapat dikenal pasti. Tapi gambar lelaki di atas dan di bawah ialah suami Daphne Iking.Tahniah kepada Daphne atas perkahwinan dan selamat datang ke keluarga Islam. Semoga segalanya dipermudahkan. Nama Islam Daphne Iking ialah Dahlia Eleanor Iking. Khabarnya suami...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Malaysia tumpaskan Pakistan 2-0

sports @BharianMalaysia tumpaskan Pakistan 2-0 dalam pusingan pertama kelayakan Olimpik2011/02/23SHAH ALAM: Malaysia menumpaskan Pakistan 2-0 pada perlawanan pertama (timbal balik) pusingan pertama kelayakan Olimpik 2012 di Stadium Shah Alam di sini malam ini.Penjaring:Malaysia - Wan Zaharulnizam Wan Zakaria (minit ke-3), Mohd Irfan Fazail (minit 45). m...

Terima kasih gosip - Akim, Stacy

gossip @Kosmo Terima kasih gosip - Akim, Stacy BUKAN satu rahsia lagi tentang gosip hubungan cinta yang terjalin antara juara Akademi Fantasia 6 (AF 6), Stacy dan pemenang tempat ketiga Akademi Fantasia (AF7), Akim. Namun, teka-teki itu bagaikan terjawab dengan pemilihan mereka berdua sebagai duta terbaru aiskrim Wall's Cornetto. Ia sekali gus menguatkan gosip bahawa mereka benar-benar bercinta. Biarpun hubungan mereka itu hanya ditafsirkan sebagai...

Zizan Raja Lawak Bangga Jadi Hos Melodi

News @mStarZizan Raja Lawak Bangga Jadi Hos Melodi PETALING JAYA: Pengacara Zizan (Raja Lawak) mengakui berasa bangga dan teruja apabila ditawarkan menggantikan Wahid Senario bagi mengacara rancangan hiburan popular, Melodi di TV3.Zizan berkata, tawaran tersebut merupakan peluang terbaik kerana program itu berjaya menaikkan beberapa nama besar pengacara tanah air sebelum ini."Saya terkejut apabila mereka tawarkan untuk jadi pengacara Melodi kerana...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Zizan Raja Lawak & Dira Pengacara Baru Melodi

News @mStarZizan Raja Lawak & Dira Pengacara Baru Melodi PETALING JAYA: Desas-desus mengatakan pengacara Fara Fauzana dan Wahid (Senario) akan meninggalkan Melodi rupanya benar apabila pihak TV3 mengesahkan Zizan Raja Lawak dan Dira Abu Zahar akan menggantikan kedua-dua pengacara itu berkuatkuasa April ini.TV3 dalam satu kenyataan yang dikeluarkan di sini, Selasa memberitahu, selari dengan tempoh tamat kontrak Wahid dan Fara Fauzana pada penghujung...

Rihanna New Fragrance - Reb’l Fleur

Rihanna Launches Reb’l Fleur Fragrance At Macy’sRihanna, popular Barbadian R&B recording artist stepped out for celebrating launch of her first fragrance, Reb’l Fleur at Macy’s Lakewood Mall on February 18 in Lakewood, California. 23-year-old singer was looking pretty and lovely wearing an Prada outfit at the launch event. Hot and sexy, Rihanna rocked a modern, flirty outfit including a cropped long sleeve button up top and a printed blue and...

Monday, February 21, 2011

Promo: Express your love through Cornetto Style

Promo: Express your love through Cornetto StyleSay It With Cornetto Style Bid for your favourite celebrity and he/she will help you express your love to your love interest! This is your one chance to impress your loved one with a personalised live serenade. We’ve got a surprise celebrity to be revealed every 10 days. Interested? Find out m...

Zizan Raja Lawak host Melodi TV3 2011

Gossip @Kosmo Zizan Raja Lawak host Melodi TV3 2011 AGAK mengejutkan apabila nama pelakon yang eksotik wajahnya, Dira Abu Zahar dicanang-canang sebagai antara nama baru yang akan mengambil alih mikrofon yang selama ini dipegang kemas oleh Fara Fauzana sejak enam tahun lalu sebagai pengacara Melodi. Khabar panas itu mula bertiup selepas kemunculan terbaru Dira sebagai hos bersama Fara Fauzana yang popular disebut Fafau dan Wahid Senario dalam Melodi,...

Super Junior the 3rd Asia Tour

Super Junior the 3rd Asia Tour The Super Junior guys will be back for a repeat performance also at the Big Dome on Saturday, Feb. 26, on their third Asia tour.Say hello again to Donghae, Eunhyuk, Leeteuk, Ryewook, Kyuhyun, Shindong, Siwon, Heechul, Yesung and Sungmin.The group’s show at the Big Dome in April last year was so successful, that there should be a return engagement. As the beer ad says, so good, ayos na ang kasunod!The Super Junior’s...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Burlesque Movie Reviews

Burlesque Movie and OST ReviewsMovie review:Ali (Christina Aguilera) is a small-town girl with a big voice who follows her dreams all the way to Los Angeles. After stumbling upon The Burlesque Lounge, a majestic but ailing theatre that is home to an inspired musical revue, Ali lands a job as a cocktail waitress from Tess (Cher), the club's proprietor and headliner. Burlesque's outrageous costumes and bold choreography enrapture the young ingenue,...

Korean film director Park Chan-wook Won 61st Berlin International Film Festival

Korean film director Park Chan-wook Won 61st Berlin International Film Festival Korean film director Park Chan-wook’s latest short film “Paranmanjang (Night Fishing)” in collaboration with his brother Chan-kyong, won the Gold Bear for Best Short Film at the 61st Berlin International Film Festival, which wrapped up Sunday. moreMeanwhile, rising director Yang Hyo-joo received the Silver Bear award of the International Short Film Jury for her film...

6 Kriteria Nak Jadi Awek Zizan Raja Lawak

news @mStar‘Zizan Show’ Dedah ‘6 Kriteria Nak Jadi Awek Zizan’PETALING JAYA: Pengacara Zizan Raja Lawak bakal muncul dengan program bual bicara sendiri komedi sendiri berjudul Zizan Show.Program 13 episod selama 30 minit itu akan bersiaran mulai 28 Februari ini, setiap Isnin, pukul 9.30 malam di Astro Warna (saluran 132).Zizan Show menampilkan Zizan diiringi DJ peribadi dan beberapa penari peribadi dengan menghidangkan lima segmen iaitu ‘Top 6 Pilihan...