Saturday, July 23, 2011

Promo: Download ur fav songs on your mobile!

Promo: Download ur fav songs on your mobile! How often you hear a song on the radio and wished you could download it to your phone immediately? With Hotlink, Now You Can! Enjoy music anytime, anywhere.And for smartphones, just download the app and you’ll be downloading your tunes in no time! Check out now...

Friday, July 22, 2011

Harry Potter films cross $7 billion box office mark

Harry Potter films cross $7 billion box office mark (Reuters) - The eight Harry Potter movies have earned more than $7 billion at the box office, Warner Bros said, cementing their place as the biggest grossing series ever. Warner Bros gave the following global box office grosses for the Harry Potter movies: * "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's (Sorcerer's) Stone" (2001) - $974,755,371 * "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets"...

Kisah Cinta Nasha Aziz Ibarat 'Lampu Merah'

news @mStar Kisah Cinta Nasha Aziz Ibarat 'Lampu Merah' Pelakon Nasha Aziz menjelaskan perjalanan cintanya terlalu banyak rintangan berbanding pasangan lain kerana ia sering tidak menjadi. Kata Nasha, kalau disebut soal cinta dalam dirinya, ia umpama lebih banyak “lampu merah” berbanding “lampu hijau”. “Sebagai orang yang bercinta atau berada dalam sesebuah hubungan itu, kita tentu mengharapkan sesuatu yang terbaik untuk menuju...

Promo: Tune Talk is jointly presenting Eason Chan

Tune Talk is calling for all Eason’s biggest fans!Tune Talk is jointly presenting Eason Chan, all the way from Hong Kong, to rock your night out with a fantabulous DUO concert in Stadium Merdeka this August!Tune Talk subscribers enjoy up to 20% discount on their concert tickets for DUO on 6th August 2011! more deta...

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Lady Antebellum “Own The Night” New Album

Lady Antebellum “Own The Night” New Album The cover art and track list for Lady Antebellum’s new album, “Own The Night,” has been revealed by the trio. “Own The Night” is their third CD, following the incredible award winning album, “Need You Now.” It is due out September 13. Lady A wrote or co-wrote 10 of the 12 songs on the album, including their current single, “Just A Kiss,” on which they collaborated with producer, Paul Worley....

Bakat TV: Pemain Kulintangan Menang RM30,000

news @mStar Bakat TV: Pemain Kulintangan Menang RM30,000 Pemain kulintangan berasal dari Sabah, Razali Abd Rahman, 26, menjuarai program Bakat TV peringkat akhir menerusi bakat solo muzik yang disiarkan secara langsung di TV1 dari Auditorium Perdana, Angkasapuri, di sini, malam Selasa. Hadiah juara meliputi wang tunai RM20,000 beserta trofi, barangan Figos dan sijil. Selain itu, Razali turut memenangi kategori Bakat Paling Popular dan menerima...

Movie: Captain America: The First Avenger

Movie: Captain America: The First Avenger Born during the Great Depression, Steve Rogers grew up a frail youth in a poor family. Horrified by the newsreel footage of the Nazis in Europe, Rogers was inspired to enlist in the army. However, because of his frailty and sickness, he was rejected. Overhearing the boy's earnest plea, General Chester Phillips offered Rogers the opportunity to take part in a special experiment - Operation: Rebirth....

Angelina Jolie Can’t Take It — Brad Pitt’s Mystery Woman!

Angelina Jolie Can’t Take It — Brad Pitt’s Mystery Woman! Now, after six years, maybe Angelina Jolie knows how Jennifer Aniston felt. The Oscar-winning actress is going nuclear over Brad Pitt’s flirtatious relationship — documented in photographs — with a young, brunette female assistant on the Malta set of his new zombie thriller, World War Z. And while unsubstantiated rumors still swirl over an impending Jolie-Pitt wedding, insiders...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

LeAnn Rimes to Release New Album

LeAnn Rimes to Release New Album ‘Lady and Gentlemen’ on September 27 It’s official! LeAnn Rimes‘ highly-anticipated and much talked about new album, ‘Lady and Gentlemen,’ is set to hit stores on Tuesday, September 27. Rimes first shared the good news with her closest and most loyal fans over the weeked (Saturday, July 16) via her Twitter page. “I have been told ‘Lady and Gentlemen’ will be released Sept 27,” Rimes tweeted. “Very excited...

Pasangan Sarah Juarai 'Mari Menari 2'

news @mStar Pasangan Sarah Juarai 'Mari Menari 2' Pasangan Sarah muncul juara program tarian Mari Menari musim kedua (MM2) pada peringkat akhir yang berlangsung di Studio 1, Astro, di sini, malam Ahad. Pasangan dari Sabah yang dianggotai oleh Sarah Diana Michele Durai, 32, dan adiknya Shazrul Hudson Ashley Durai, 18, itu mendapat 56 peratus undian penonton. Manakala pasangan Nita akur di tempat kedua selepas mendapat undian...

Abby Abadi maafkan Norman, Memey

Abby Abadi maafkan Norman, Memey Abby Abadi dalam laman Facebooknya telah memohon maaf kepada ksemua yang mengenali diri beliau secara peribadi termasuklah bekas suaminya, Norman Hakim dan juga Memey. "Sama-samalah kita memaafkan sesama sendiri, sedangkan dirimu di berka...

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Photo Perkahwinan Nurul Syuhada (TV3)

news @mStar Photo Perkahwinan Nurul Syuhada (TV3) Pengacara Majalah Tiga, Nurul Syuhada Nurul Ain Mohd Zin,27, selamat diijabkabulkan dengan pegawai bank, Raja Amir Shah Raja Azwa,29, di Binjai On The Park, KLCC, di sini, malam Sabtu. Pasangan tersebut dinikahkan oleh bapa Nurul iaitu Mohd Zin dan disaksikan oleh Ketua Imam Masjid Al-Syakirin, KLCC selepas solat Isyak. Pihak TV3 dalam satu kenyataan ringkasnya yang diedarkan...

Final 'Potter' film offers magical conclusion

Final 'Potter' film offers magical conclusion "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2" picks up immediately where the preceding part left off, and from there we are thrust into a fast-paced sendoff to the most successful film series of all time. The omissions of points from the novel are glaring, as is the case with every "Potter" movie. In fact, "Part 2" clocks in as the shortest of the film entries at 130 minutes. We don't...

APM 2011: Malaysia Ungguli 8 Kategori

APM 2011: Malaysia Ungguli 8 Kategori Anugerah Planet Muzik (APM) 2011 melabuhkan tirainya Jumaat lalu. Untuk edisi ke-10 APM, artis dari Malaysia nampaknya mengungguli lapan kategori yang dipertandingkan. Antaranya Artis Lelaki Terbaik, Lagu Terbaik dan Artis Serantau Paling Popular (Selama Lebih Sedekad). Album Terbaik : Energi (Kotak)Artis Lelaki Terbaik : Faizal Tahir ('Adrenalin')Artis Wanita Terbaik : Rossa ('Harmoni Jalinan Nada &...