Saturday, March 19, 2011

Afgan seronok duduk Malaysia

news @kosmo Afgan seronok duduk Malaysia Afgan Syah Reza atau Afgan yang baru memulakan pengajian di Universiti Monash di Kuala Lumpur mengaku dia seronok tinggal di Malaysia. Mengambil jurusan pemasaran perniagaan dan muzik, penyanyi ini mengaku, apa yang paling menyeronokkan dirinya tentang kehidupan baru di Malaysia adalah dia mampu hidup sendiri dan berdikari tanpa bantuan keluarga. "Saya seronok tinggal di Malaysia kerana boleh berdikari....

Taylor Swift and Dr. Seuss' The Lorax"

Taylor Swift joins cast of "Dr. Seuss' The Lorax" LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) – Taylor Swift has joined the ensemble voicecast of "Dr. Seuss' The Lorax," Universal Pictures and Illumination Entertainment's CGI-animated adaptation of the children's book classic. Swift joins Danny Devito, Ed Helms, Zac Efron, Rob Riggle and Betty White in the tale of a boy who searches for a way to win the affection of the girl of his dreams. He comes across...

Friday, March 18, 2011

Lady Gaga Censored in Malaysia

Lady Gaga censored in Malaysia for gay rights songLady Gaga has been censored on Malaysian radio stations due to concern Gaga's gay anthem "Born This Way" encourages public acceptance of homosexuals. Malaysian broadcasters said Thursday they're being cautious due to government restrictions against songs that might violate "good taste or decency or (are) offensive to public feeling." Listeners can still hear most of the Gaga track if they tune...

Result: Karen Who Gonna Live us - American Idol 2011

Result: Karen who Gonna Live us - American Idol 2011In the bottom three are Karen Rodriguez, Naima Adedapo and Haley Reinhart. Naima learns she is safe, as is Haley. Karen has to sing for her life and possibly earn the judges' save. She sings Mariah Carey's "Hero." She gives it her all, and she's OK, but it's not enough. Randy says it is "not unanimous," which means someone wanted to save her. But one vote isn't going to do it. What do you think...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Amazing Performance from Pia Toscano

Pia Toscano Asks: Where Do Broken Hearts Go?Tasked with singing a song that was released the year of her birth, Pia Toscano chose Whitney Houston's "Where Do Broken Hearts Go" last night.Prior to taking the stage and wowing the judges yet again ("You are why this show is called American Idol," Steven said), we learned via montage that Pia has been covering classics since she was young.A home video of her belting out "I Will Always Love You" at the...

Daphne Iking Nikah Selepas Peluk Islam

gossip @mStarDaphne Iking Nikah Selepas Peluk IslamDaphne Iking kini Dahlia & bergelar isteriPENGACARA Daphne Iking telah bernikah dengan ahli perniagaan Azmi Abdul Rahman atau dikenali sebagai Joe selepas memeluk agama Islam dengan nama Islamnya, Dahlia Eleanor Iking.Majlis pernikahan tersebut berlangsung pada 8 Januari lalu di kampung halamannya di Penampang Sabah yang turut dihadiri oleh keluarga dan teman rapat sahaja. m...

Promo: Bring your friends and get rewarded RM 1.00

Promo: Bring your friends and get rewarded RM 1.00 with ChurpChurp Ready to burst out all the latest awesome news to your friends? Get rewarded by doing so! Bring your friends to sign up today and get rewarded RM 1.00 per friend invited. The more, the merrier! Join ...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ellen DeGeneres urge Obama to support GAY marriage

Hollywood A-listers urge Obama to support GAY marriage Just weeks after the Obama administration announced it would no longer legally defend the Defense of Marriage act, some of the president's biggest Hollywood supporters have signed a letter urging him to go a step further and legalize same-sex marriage. Anne Hathaway, Martin Sheen, Jane Lynch and Ellen DeGeneres are among the actors who have signed an open letter sponsored by Freedom to Marry,...

Donald Trump admits admiring Saddam's terrorism policy

Donald Trump admits admiring Saddam's terrorism policy American billionaire Donald Trump has said in a recent interview that he admired Saddam Hussein's terrorism policy. During his interview with conservative news site, Human Events, he said: "Whether you like Saddam Hussein or not, and I don't-he was a bad guy-but he used to shootthe terrorist; he used to kill them. He didn't give them a trial like in this country. He used to shoot terrorists and...

Roslan Shah Kendalikan Program Bual Bicara Sendiri

news @mStar Roslan Shah Kendalikan Program Bual Bicara SendiriKUALA LUMPUR: Selepas lebih 10 tahun berkecimpung dalam bidang pengacaraan, Roslan Shah akhirnya bakal mengendalikan sebuah program bual bicara sendiri iaitu Chewahhh Roslan Shah. Roslan berkata, dia bersyukur kerana tidak menyangka ditawarkan oleh syarikat untuk mengendalikan sebuah program yang menggunakan namanya sendiri dan peluang tersebut diharap dapat memudahkannya melangkah...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tyra Banks Continue Study at Harvard Business School

Tyra Banks Continue Study at Harvard Business School The supermodel and talk show host, 37, has been enrolled in the Harvard Owner/President Business School since last year. 20 years ago, Banks dropped out of Loyola-Marymount University to pursue her career in modeling. Banks, 37, said she enrolled in Harvard's Owner/President Management Program so she could learn the best strategies for handling her media company, Bankable Productions, and charitable...

Saida Tetap Mahu Bercerai

news @mStar Saida Tetap Mahu Bercerai KUALA LUMPUR: Penyanyi, Saida nekad untuk bercerai meskipun suaminya, Mohd Ghazali Yahya Zikri tidak bersetuju dengan permohonan untuk berpisah secara baik yang difailkannya selepas 15 tahun hidup bersama. Peguam syarie Ahmad Nazib Johari yang mewakili Saida memberitahu, pihaknya memohon untuk meminda permohonan asal mereka kepada bercerai secara fasakh, jika Mohd Ghazali enggan memberi kata putus dalam perkara...

Juara All England: Chong Wei Terima Saham RM100,000

Juara All England: Chong Wei Terima Saham RM100,000Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak menyampaikan hadiah penghargaan berupa Unit Amanah Saham Permodalanan Nasional Berhad (PNB) sebanyak RM100,000 kepada Jaguh Bandminton Negara, Datuk Lee Chong Wei diatas kejayaannya memenangi kejohanan badminton All- England di Seri Perdana, pada Selasa. Turut sama ialah Isteri Perdana Menteri, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor. -Foto BERNAMAMore n...

Monday, March 14, 2011

Simon Cowell Blasts Elton John

Simon Cowell Blasts Elton John Simon Cowell has spoken out against Sir Elton John for criticising reality talent shows such as 'The X Factor'. Simon Cowell has blasted Sir Elton John for criticising TV talent shows. The 'X Factor' boss – who has previously also judged ‘American Idol’ and ‘Britain’s Got Talent’ - accused the 'Rocket Man' singer of being selfish and money-orientated after he accused the shows of being boring and exploiting the artists...

Promo: Tomok expressing love in Cornetto Style!

Say It With Cornetto Style in English! Bid for Tomok and get a personalised serenade session from him to help express your feelings to your loved one. Say it with Cornetto style and wow your sweetheart! Bidding for Tomok is from 14 – 24 March 2011. Find out how to bid on Facebook! Bidalah untuk Tomok dan dapatkan sesi dendangan lagu istimewa daripadanya untuk melafazkan cinta kepada teman yang diminati. Lafazkannya dengan stail Cornetto yang pasti...

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Result Final Kejohanan All England 2011

Result Final Kejohanan All England 2011Updated/2313 13March2011:Pasangan negara, Koo Kien Keat-Tan Boon Heong kempunan lagi untuk mencatat kejuaraan pertama musim ini apabila tewas kepada Mathias Boe-Carsten Mogensen dari Denmark 21-15, 16-21, 18-21 pada final Kejohanan Badminton Seluruh England.********************** LEE Chong Wei menjulang trofi kemenangan apabila mengalahkan Lin Dan, pada final perseorangan kejuaraan Seluruh England di Birmingham...

Mentor 5 : Konsert Pertama Kumpulan A

Mentor 5 : Konsert Pertama Kumpulan AJangan lupa tonton Konsert Battle Kumpulan A malam ini, jam 9 di TV3!!!(13 Mac 2011)Result 1st week Mentor 5 Kumpulan A :Noh Hujan (Ayish) : 43/100Afdlin Shauki (Ratna) : 40/ 100Datuk Sharifah Aini (Shiha) : 60/100 * Winner 1st week9009 Comments:" Entah macam tak best sangat performance malam ni.. Macam ada tak kena. Buat Dato' Ramli MS, janganlah bagi komen pedas sangat, follow seperti kak G yang lebih pembakar...

Ashthon Jones Say Goodbye to American Idol

Ashthon Jones Say Goodbye to American Idol Season 10 finalist Ashthon Jones was eliminated on Thursday’s American Idol after she received the fewest of America’s votes. On Wednesday’s performance show, the Top 13 performed songs by their music idols, and Jones, 24, from Valdosta, GA, sang “When You Tell Me That You Love Me.” In addition, Adam Lambert sang his latest hit, “Aftermath,” and Diddy-Dirty Money featuring Skylar Grey took the stage to...

Ziana Zain Perjelas Tuduhan Berlagak Diva

Gossip @mStarZiana Zain Perjelas Tuduhan Berlagak DivaPETALING JAYA: Penyanyi popular Ziana Zain menjelaskan dia mempunyai alasan yang kuat terhadap dakwaan berlagak diva dan meninggalkan sesi fotografi sebuah majalah secara tidak profesional baru-baru.Jelas Ziana, tindakannya meninggalkan sesi fotografi sebuah majalah fesyen keluaran Mac itu adalah kerana pakaian yang disediakan telah melangar prinsip dan boleh menjejaskan imejnya.“Saya tinggalkan...