Friday, December 31, 2010

Isabelle Caro Before and After Anorexia Photos

HMetro news:

"PARIS: Aktres dan peragawati Perancis, Isabelle Caro yang mengalami anoreksia dan gambarnya tampil secara mengejut dalam kempen iklan di Itali meninggal dunia pada usia 28 tahun.

Jurulatih lakonannya, Daniele Dubreuil-Prevot berkata, Isabelle meninggal dunia pada 7 November lalu selepas pulang ke Perancis sebaik selesai bertugas di Tokyo. Menurut Daniele, dia tidak tahu punca kematian Isabelle tetapi peragawati itu sudah sakit sejak sekian lama merujuk kepada penyakit anoreksia dialaminya. More news

World news:

"Have you seen the Isabelle Caro photos? You must have heard about Isabelle Caro, She was an anorexic Model in Italy. She suffered of Anorexia, Which is a condition of someone who doesnt eat. She posed on an “No to Anorexia” advertisement which is no being banned after her passing due to Anorexia at the age of 28. more news

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